Thursday, March 29, 2007

I smell Mexican barbecue. You?

Former Department of Justice Aide, Kyle Sampson, took the stand before Congress today and he made one thing perfectly clear for you mo-fos – he’s nobody’s fall guy!

I honestly did not expect it. Granted, he looked about as shaky as Kanye West calling Bush out on Katrina but he made it perfectly clear that Gonzales did, indeed, “deliberate” and “discuss” the selection, and subsequent firing of, eight US Attorneys.

In related news, a White House Spokesperson backed away from Bush’s unconditional support of the embattled Attorney General with a snarky, “Mr. Gonzales will have to speak for himself.”

Damn homie. That’s cold. The man did what y’all told him to do, how you told him to do it and now y’all gonna cut him loose. In the streets, that’s called…well, I don’t exactly know what it’s called in the streets as I grew up in a cul-de-sac but I’m sure I could find a suitable Tupac lyric.

Now, one of y’all owes me a ten spot. I called it the minute this story lasted beyond a week: won’t no way in hot Hades the little Mexican man wasn’t going to take the heat for this. No way. I actually feel badly for him.

You’ll notice that Sampson is less emphatic about Karl Rove’s involvement. That man said, “I’m a Mormon but I ain’t no fool.”

Rove is now, officially, more gangsta than Scarface. Fiddy and other assorted wanna-be gangstas need to study THIS man’s hustle. He’s as elusive as a ghost and as pervasive as ether.

He’s everywhere and nowhere, if the burden is proof.

Sure, he negatively impacts the lives of millions but if you can remove yourself from the outcome you have to admit he is pretty fly for a white guy.

Even with Rove’s name all up in emails and memos Sampson refused to “recollect” a single instance of Rove’s office exerting any pressure.


His name is like Kleenex now – generic for any powers that be.

I tell you, one day the history books are going to whitewash this administration and release only ¼ of the real behind-the-scenes story and it will still give believers of democracy nightmares.

In other news, I keep meaning to discuss all of the great stuff happening in the presidential race. I shall try to break down the top contenders on both sides in the coming week. To hold you 'till then:

-An actor?! You got lucky with the first one Republicans, don’t be greedy.
-Hillary’s BUYING endorsements now?!
-Edwards got a nice sympathy bump. Can he sustain it? I definitely felt a shifting of the polls on the day he made the announcement about his wife’s cancer. We shall see…
-Guiliani? Really? This guy is more abrasive than a Jewish mother of a 40-year-old unwed woman. Get outta here.

1 comment:

Yobachi said...

"-Edwards got a nice sympathy bump. Can he sustain it? I definitely felt a shifting of the polls on the day he made the announcement about his wife’s cancer."

I've become more certain in the week since the announcement that, that was always the plan.