Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dear Democrats

Dear Democratic Party,

I know you have a history of being "progressive" on issues of race, class and sex. Or at least that's what your PR says -- I know some folks who beg to differ. But, for me, the incongruity of your politics with your intent has never mattered much because in the end I am black and have ovaries. As such, it would go against everything I am to vote Republican.

Even when I pay more taxes than Donald Trump's second wife on 1/459th the pay, I figure it's got to better than putting a third generation "no spooks on my watch" Republican in some position of power. So I continue to vote against my own best interests.

And that is the choice I, like millions of other black folk make when we vote Democratic. We opt-out of the potential tax breaks our college education and middle class jobs have qualified us for. We vote against death tax policies that could benefit our children, many of them the first to ever stand to get any inheritance not resulting from an overpriced insurance policy. We vote against smaller government and less invasion into our personal lives, ideals that contrary to popular belief many of us favor, because we do not have a choice.

Our history has proven that crazy white folks can't be trusted to do what is best when faced with emotionally-driven, race-baiting politics -- they will close the school before they will let a black child read in its library after all - so we have to vote for the party least likely to put us back in the fields.

That's where you come in. We've voted for you in an almost lock-step block for four generations now. And we haven't asked for much -- a holiday here and there, a national guard to keep us from getting lynched, small stuff really.

But the time has come to cash in some of our political chips.

If this party does not grow a pair of balls and step beyond the idealism of kumbaya politics and give me a nominee who can win in 2008 I will be forced to renounce my party affiliation.

Yeah, I said it: balls, cajones, hairy ones.

Hillary cannot win. She is indeed smart enough, ruthless enough, practiced enough but she. can. not. win.

And I am tired of losing. Especially to illiterates who bring no vision but a sack full of balls.

You let a bowlegged cowboy whup up on a freaking war hero. You can no longer be trusted to do what is best for the party, so this year I am making my desires known.

Thanks to a little thing called the internets I am sending my manifesto: grow a pair or lose the negroes.

If you don't have an insider with the guts to tell Hillary that she cannot win, feel free to call me. I got nothing to lose.

Either way I'll still be overtaxed, underpaid, taken for granted, pandered to and, at the end of the election, summarily ignored. After all, I am a black Democrat.

But a chick with nothing to lose? Dangerous indeed.

Now. Let's play ball shall we?

Demoralized Dem

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