Thursday, April 26, 2007

Debate - Part One - Raw copy

with fifteen minutes to show time the candidates are shown on-stage. I should get out of the way how hella fine I think Obama looks up there...or anywhere for that matter.


With that bit of business out of the way, let's get to it shall we?

I'll be talking impressions, intangibles, and high points should there be any. I figure folks can get blow-by-blow details elsewhere. But who but me is going to get personal?

Breaking News: Jack Valenti, former LBJ aide, has died. I have no idea who he is but Tom Brokaw and Chris give the impression of a short man with a mastery of politics both formal and social. Godspeed.

Now, back to the debate.

We've got an image of all the candidates on the set again. Looks like Obama's podium is in the center of the stage.

Relax, everyone. I'm sure it was ordered alphabetically.

And now pan the beautiful brown people and....

IT'S ON!!!

Seeing all of those brown kids makes my stomach flop. I'm a bit emotional. Somebody pass me my martini.

Earliest campaign season ever.

Bill Richardson is caught with his mouth hanging open like Biz Markie during his introduction.

Again, who IS Mike Gravel (Gruh-VEL, btw)?

Does anyone trust that Biden will pay those caution lights a bit of attention?

The rules demand 30 second responses?!!! Have these people ever MET a politician?

Mike is all up under his podium? Did someone pat him down? What better way to become infamous than to pull a gat on stage?

First question to Hillary about Sen. Reid's statements regarding Iraq being lost. Does she agree? She's a Senator, we will fund the troops and protect them and start to bring them home. So, basically she's not going to answer the question.

For the record, Hillary is wearing heathered gray with a black crew cut shirt.

Biden says, same question, this is not a game show! He's swinging! Bush is misguided, he says!
Oh God, Obama is fine.


But there was an unexpected wide shot and, well...

Obama wants you to know that he opposed this war from the start, but he votes for appropriations to support our young people on the ground.

He's the first with an "I met a man/woman/child somewhere" story. I dunno man.

Edwards - tell us again why you apologized for your vote in support for the war. Edwards did not shy away from it though. good response. He says, hey, if you voted for it you're going to have to search your own soul, Hillary included! wow! he's gonna get slapped for that one.

But he still doesn't resonate with me.

Hillary: takes responsibility for her vote for the war. if i knew then what i know now, blah, blah, back on talking points.

Kucinich says hey, stop funding the war! strong point of view. He has a bill -- HR1234? um, OK. i'ma get on that. bless his heart. he looks like one of the M&M people. but he's going after Hillary and Edwards! WOW! if you voted for the war, own up to it! don't be no punk, he says.

Bill says let's be clear: this war is a disaster...pull them all by the end of the calendar year. intensive diplomacy in three areas. he lost me on them but I'm sure they're on his website. sounds comprehensive though.. ii can't, however, vet the viability of them. I've heard him speak on it before though.

Chris Dodd makes a nice, clear soundbite on the policy being flawed, not the troops. this should become a Democratic mantra. it sells well.

OK, so, Mike Gravel is an angry man with nothing to lose from Alaska with a history of ending the funding for the Vietnam War. He's kind of scary, actually. I think he's about to start throwing spittle around. He's foaming a bit. Not a crazy point, but he sounded crazy saying it.

Perhaps it is an attempt at not making a mistake, but Obama is stuttering and halting. I was afraid of that. I've seen him that way before. However, he rebounds well but he's not sparkling. Maybe that's the strategy? And I'm positive he didn't answer the question. However, Hillary cosigned with a "Barack is right". Maybe I want her to address him formally? Looks liker the lead players are towing the party line.

that questionable donor bullshit with that Obama donor shit. Obama says he has too many donors to track everyone. he denounced this guy. he proposed campaign ethics reform. i don't take money from lobbyists and PACs. you better recognize.

uh oh. is this gonna be a haircut issue for Edwards? uh oh!

why did you pay for your haircut with campaign funds?! wow!

Edwards: am i rich, bitch? yes. but it's not where i come from. don't sleep. and out comes the homespun wisdom. he tells a story about his father taking the family out to eat and having to leave after his father saw the prices. they was po'. the accent is now as thick as my oatmeal. my daddy was born a poor black child from...wait. OK.

but it's a damn fine response.

that's real.

Bill Richardson mans up nicely when asked about his reticence to disavow a Alberto Gonzalez, a fellow Mexican American. he wanted to give him a chance to explain himself, when he did and finding himself still unsatisfied he called for Gonzalez's resignation

But, yeah, i said it and i meant it! What? I'm no "blow dried" perfect candidate. Well, OK, then. I sense a jab at Edwards.

Dennis, why ain't nobody paying you no never mind? Poor Dennis. He says this isn't American Idol, here. in 2003 my friends up here made the wrong decision on the e war and an apology is not enough. you make an excellent point Dennis. Damn shame, that comb over.

Nice response from Biden!! In response to an attack on his verbosity and does he have thee discipline for the national stage he says, "yes." period. nice laugh from the audience.


who is this Mike Gravel? he says some of these people up here frighten him? He's screaming about Nukes? Oh shit!!! who's got Nukes on stage?!!!!!!!

A follow-up question from Brian, "who scares you?" Gravel's response: Joe[Biden], you're arrogant. the top tier scares me.

he's pointing and foaming. what the hot fuck?

This is AWESOME TV1!!

Joe Biden is strongly in favor of Roe v Wade.

Obama handled the abortion question nimbly by putting the focus on prevention, something no one can argue with. that's obama's strong point -- reframing issues in a way that makes them unassailable. that's something the Right has patented so i likes.

Chris's Dodd supported Roberts for the Supreme Court bench. I no likey. He says Roberts just lied about what he would do when nominated.

There will be a wonderful snapshot tomorrow of the candidate's who have owned a gun in their adult lives with their hand raised on stage. What you might not see is the time delay where some of them waited to make sure they weren't the only one.

Hillary makes it clear that she had a universal health plan first and she has the experience. She makes a good point about this being about more than the uninsured but controlling costs for all those insured.

Why are you in SC when the NAACP has a tourism boycott going on? James Clyburn invited us, says Biden.

Obama addresses the confederate flag issue -- put it in a museum -- but the issues we're voting on are too important not to engage the voters in South Carolina.

Gravel says you're not paying me enough attention! I'm not a potted plant. And a Reagan quote. This dude is on bourbon.

Obama references his wife and then he goes on to regret a bill that intruded on Terry Schiavo's rights. Nice response.

Overestimating the ability of this administration and underestimating its arrogance -- Biden gets a gold star for properly finessing the old school "what is your greatest weakness" interview question by making it about Bush, not him. NICE.

The issue of our yawning brain drain is one of my pet issues. Biden makes a good response, a quick response, suggesting he's thought about it: pay for better teachers, fundamentally change how we educate, put our money where our mouth is. Biden wins on that one.

The Green and gas question: Edwards has a good sound bite. We should ask people to be patriotic about something other than war. We need to conserve.

Another one the Party should co-opt.

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