Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Universal Healthcare...again

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential contender John Edwards says it is more important to invest in universal health care and lifting people out of poverty than to reduce the budget deficit.

The 2004 vice presidential nominee said in an interview broadcast Sunday said "there is a tension" between the two directions, but he has made his choice.
"If I were choosing now between which is more important, I think the investments are more important," he said on ABC's "This Week."

Entire story here.

OK, I'll admit that I can respect Johnny taking a pretty controversial and unequivocal stand -- especially so early in the race. That takes some guts because the Republican election machine may be down, but it is NEVER out. And maybe some folks do not remember the liberal, socialist commie ass whooping they gave Hillary and Bill on this issue 12 years ago.

I am interested to see how Hillary would address this. She has worked too hard to go very centrist and I guarantee she has not forgotten that aforementioned ass whooping. So I imagine she won't be excited to embrace this issue again, but it is a good issue that plays well to her party. It could be one of many important compromises she will have to navigate as she tries to distance herself from her past to reach out to moderates and quasi-Republicans while not losing her base.

So the pretty boy is taking this run seriously. I can applaud that. If nothing else every entry into the race brings a set of issues to the fore that may otherwise be ignored. I believe it is high time we stop allowing the Republican party to reframe the debate on issues as important as health care. A healthy body politic is a healthy country, and wanting to provide for the least of us is no more socialist than the New Deal that gave so many Americans that almighty Social Security benefit they will fight to the death to keep.

But, John still cannot win. LOL

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